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In Alosaur, this module includes several sub-modules. You also need to substitute HttpContext with SecurityContext in order to substitute it. You can see it below in the examples.


Sessions in Alosaur are cookie-based. By enabling this functionality, you can take advantage of other features such as Authorization.

Sessions add a user to the cookie with a so called sessionId which also includes a signature part, so a unique secret key must be specified.

// Create store for sessionsconst store = new MemoryStore();await store.init();
// App settingsnew App({    ...    providers: [{ // need for create security context        token: Context,        useClass: SecurityContext,     }],    ...});
// Key for sign session idapp.use(/\//,  new SessionMiddleware(store, {secret: "6b911fd37cdf5c81d4c0adb1ab7fa822ed253ab0ad9aa18d77257c88b29b718e"}));
// then you can use Context in action:// action@Get('counter')@ActionParam(0, Ctx())public action(context: SecurityContext) {"testValue", 1);"testValue", 1);        const sid =;        console.log(sid);        // and use your store    await;}

SessionMiddleware takes 2 values: SessionStore and SessionOptions. Session store is needed to store the sessionId information and the information written in session.


Alosaur provides by default a MemoryStore that stores information in runtime application memory. You can also implement your Store using the SessionStore interface: SessionStore. Learn more:

The SessionOptions interface looks like this:

export interface SessionOptions {  /** Security key for sign hash **/  secret: Uint8Array | bigint | number | string;  /** Key for save in cookie default 'sid' **/  name?: string;  /** Expiration date of the cookie. */  expires?: Date;  /** Max-Age of the session Cookie. Must be integer superior to 0. */  maxAge?: number;  /** Specifies those hosts to which the cookie will be sent. */  domain?: string;  /** Indicates a URL path that must exist in the request. */  path?: string;  /** Indicates if the cookie is made using SSL & HTTPS. */  secure?: boolean;  /** Indicates that cookie is not accessible via JavaScript. **/  httpOnly?: boolean;  /** Allows servers to assert that a cookie ought not to   * be sent along with cross-site requests. */  sameSite?: SameSite;}

Authorization & Authentication#

Example authorization application:


For authorization to work, you must enable AuthMiddleware support by passing the appropriate AuthenticationScheme to it.

const app = new App({  providers: [{ // need for create security context    token: Context,    useClass: SecurityContext,  }],});
// create session storeconst sessionStore = new MemoryStore();await sessionStore.init();
// create middleware with optionsconst sessionMiddleware = new SessionMiddleware(sessionStore, {  secret: 123456789n,  maxAge: DAYS_30,  path: "/",});
// create auth middleware with schemesconst authMiddleware = new AuthMiddleware([  CookiesAuthentication.DefaultScheme,]);
app.use(new RegExp("/"), sessionMiddleware);app.use(new RegExp("/"), authMiddleware);


Required to use SecurityContext, Authenticate, verify, signin, signout.

There are 2 types of schemes in Alosaur: CookiesAuthentication.DefaultScheme and JwtBearerScheme.

Having a common interface AuthenticationScheme:

export interface AuthenticationScheme {  /**   * This function assign to context identity info, uses in Authorization middleware   */  authenticate(context: SecurityContext): Promise<void>;
  /**   * Create sign identity and assign to context identity info   */  signInAsync<I, R = any>(    context: SecurityContext,    identity: Identity<I>,  ): Promise<R>;
  /**   * Clear sign in info and destroy identity context   */  signOutAsync<T, R>(context: SecurityContext): Promise<R>;
  /**   * Uses in Authorize decorators for handle if AuthPayload result failure   */  onFailureResult(context: SecurityContext): void;
  /**   * Uses in Authorize decorators for handle if AuthPayload result success   */  onSuccessResult(context: SecurityContext): void;}


Includes support for Cookies for authorization. You can use the default scheme and override its behavior

export namespace CookiesAuthentication {  export const DefaultScheme = new CookiesScheme(    "/account/login",  );}


Includes JSON Web Tokens support for authorization. Read more about it:

For login and authentication you need to create instance of this scheme:

const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(  { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-512" },  true,  ["sign", "verify"],);
export const JWTscheme = new JwtBearerScheme(  "HS512",  key,  30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,);//     private readonly algorithm: Algorithm,//     private readonly key: CryptoKey,//     private readonly expires: number = DAYS_30,

// and use JWTscheme in other cases, when need scheme
const app = new App({  providers: [{ // need for create security context    token: Context,    useClass: SecurityContext,  }],});
// create auth middlware with schemesconst authMiddleware = new AuthMiddleware([JWTscheme]);
app.use(new RegExp("/"), authMiddleware);


SecurityContext can be used everywhere just like regular HttpContext. To use it, you must redefine it at the application level:

const app = new App({  providers: [{ // need for create security context    token: Context,    useClass: SecurityContext,  }],});

An example of working with SecurityContext and a possible implementation of authorization:

@Controller("/account")export class AccountController {  name: string | undefined = undefined;
  constructor(private service: AuthService) {}
  @Get("/login")  @ActionParam(0, Ctx())  getLogin(context: SecurityContext) {    if ( {      return Redirect("/home/protected");    }
    return `<form method="post">                login: admin <br>                password: admin <br>              <input type="text" name="login" placeholder="login" value="admin"><br>              <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password" value="admin"><br>              <input type="submit">            </form>`;  }
  @Post("/login")  @ActionParam(0, Ctx())  @ActionParam(1, Body())  async postLogin(    context: SecurityContext,    account: LoginModel,  ) {    const user = this.service.validate(account.login, account.password);
    if (user) {      await<UserModel>(scheme, user);      return Redirect("/home/protected");    }
    return Redirect("/account/login");  }
  @Get("/logout")  @ActionParam(0, Ctx())  async logOut(context: SecurityContext) {    await;    return Redirect("/account/login");  }}
// validation user serviceexport class AuthService {  validate(login: string, password: string): UserModel | undefined {    if (login === "admin" && password === "admin") {      return { id: "1", login: "admin" };    }    return undefined;  }}


Accepts AuthenticationScheme and Identity object


Accepts AuthenticationScheme


The object that will be available later in the SecurityContext, roles can be used in the Authorize decorator

  export interface Identity<T> {  id: string | number;  data?: T;  readonly roles?: string[];}
// example of use
await   CookieScheme,   { id: 1, roles: ["admin"] });

Authorize Decorators#

You can use the @Authorize decorator out of the box for ease of use.

@Authorize(scheme, payload) is a special decorator hook that can be used at different levels: actions, controllers, areas.

@Authorize(CookiesAuthentication.DefaultScheme)@Get("/protected")getProtectedData() {    return "Hi! this protected info. <br>  <a href='/account/logout'>logout</a>";  }

Authorize with roles:

@Authorize(CookieScheme, {roles: ["admin"]})

Authorize with custom policy function:

const CostomAuthPolicy = (context: SecurityContext) => {    result = false ;// validate with context    return result;}
@Authorize(CookieScheme, { policy: CostomAuthPolicy })