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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to allow the user agent to obtain permissions to access selected resources from a server on a source (domain) other than the one the site is currently using. The user agent is said to make a cross-origin HTTP request if the source of the current document differs from the requested resource by domain, protocol, or port.

In Alosaur, you can use a special Middleware, CorsBuilder, to allow you to give page data as for single-page software.

import { HomeArea } from "./areas/home/home.area.ts";import { App, CorsBuilder } from "alosaur/mod.ts";
const app = new App({  areas: [HomeArea],});
// Accept any headersapp.useCors(  new CorsBuilder()    .AllowAnyOrigin()    .AllowAnyMethod()    .AllowAnyHeader(),);
// Specific config// app.useCors(//   new CorsBuilder()//     .WithOrigins("origin")  // Access-Control-Allow-Origin//     .WithMethods("GET")     // Access-Control-Allow-Methods//     .WithHeaders("Header"), // Access-Control-Allow-Headers// );