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Microservices in Alosaur are implemented as a server, but use a different transport, not HTTP, to communicate between clients.

Microservices maintain the same structure as a regular http server, except for the controller methods.


To create a normal microservice, you need to create this application and start listening to events.

import { Microservice, MicroserviceType } from "alosaur/microservice/mod.ts";import { HomeArea } from "./home.area.ts";
const server = new Microservice({  areas: [HomeArea],  type: MicroserviceType.TCP,  config: {    hostname: "localhost",    port: 4500,  },});
await server.listen();

Controller actions#

@MPattern - is a method decorator that can accept Object

@MEvent - is a method decorator that can take string

import { Area, Body, Controller } from "alosaur/mod.ts";import { MEvent, MPattern } from "alosaur/microservice/mod.ts";
@Controller()export class HomeController {  @MPattern({ cmd: "sum" })  @ActionParam(0, Body())  async sum(body: number[]) {    return Array.isArray(body) ? body.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0) : 0;  }
  @MEvent("calculated")  @ActionParam(0, Body())  async event(body: string) {    return body;  }}
@Area({  controllers: [HomeController],})export class HomeArea {}


We will use the usual Alosaur application as an example and create a default client.

import { App } from "alosaur/mod.ts";import { CoreArea } from "./areas/core.area.ts";import { MsTcpClient } from "alosaur/microservice/mod.ts";
const app = new App({  areas: [CoreArea],  providers: [    {      token: "TCP_CLIENT",      useFactory: () => new MsTcpClient({ hostname: "localhost", port: 4500 }),    },  ],  logging: false,});

Using the client inside the application:

import { Area, Controller, Get, Inject } from "alosaur/mod.ts";import { MsTcpClient } from "alosaur/microservice/mod.ts";
@Controller()export class CoreController {  constructor(@Inject("TCP_CLIENT") private client: MsTcpClient) {  }
  @Get()  async text() {    const answer = await this.client.send({ cmd: "sum" }, [1, 2, 3, 4]);    return "Hello world, " + answer;  }}
@Area({  controllers: [CoreController],})export class CoreArea {}

Full application example: